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They are tired of asking “What’s wrong?” and the space between my Teeth and Tongue raw, empty from repetition is sick of so many “NOTHING"s
How dare you expect an honest answer when every “Help me” escape from my chapped lips was met with You are 15, He is older, more important how do we know you aren’t Lying? I will continue to force feed you “NOTHING"s until my “EVERYTHING” Is met with understanding
I will eat my own arms and legs Chew off my Fingernails raw Until I can become small I will refuse to take up space I will collapse upon myself do not notice me, I am and am filled with endless “NOTHING”
Watch me become smaller, more limited, Empty just so I give him S P A C E to grow, As if he is the flower I always made him out to be, rather than the sickening, Draining, ever-expanding weed And I will continue to be “NOTHING”
And you, sweet lover the hopeless romantic, the Sweetest Devil I Tasted remember, poetry coach? You told me never to write another Break-Up Poem and this is my rebellion Because this, this, this All of this ever-expansive, infinite UNIVERSE will be MINE again Reclamation
I will become LARGE I will become EXCESSIVE I will become EXPANSIVE I will become IMPORTANT grow and rise until I Am tall Enough to kiss the moon– She is not your lover anymore, She never was and my shadow will engulf you Until you suffocate because you are repulsive, You are darkness you are a starless night sky, Lately I am radiating so. much. LIGHT. That the flowers grow towards me, they ask for forgiveness for the ones which you made Wilt
you are SMALL you are INSIGNIFICANT and you are destined to be alone, Sickening predators do not deserve L O V E and oh, I did love you I did, I did, I did my heart has found greater purpose, Greener pastures, Sunshine compared to your darkness I have risen with my Badass high heels, ice cold stare, And ability to curb stomp your ass Literally and Metaphorically
This is not your space anymore I am not your slave anymore Because I I am SO MUCH MORE than your silly MUSE I promise you, I promise you I. Promise. You. No matter how many times, you change your name No matter how many times, you move away No matter how many times, you fabricate another excuse Remember this, dark lover: Wherever you go, there you are.
So you can continue to be followed by darkness, by pain, By a fear and guilt that will NEVER go away. This is my gift to you.
I will continue expanding, Continue growing You may think you define me, but each brush stroke thinks it’s important And you? Are just the shading
I am me again. [if lt IE 9]><![endif] BEGIN TUMBLR FACEBOOK OPENGRAPH TAGS If you'd like to specify your own Open Graph tags, define the og:url and og:title tags in your theme's HTML. Read more: END TUMBLR FACEBOOK OPENGRAPH TAGS GOOGLE CAROUSEL
StartFragmentThis is mine again. Reclamation.EndFragment