Depression and Anxiety
Depression can be inborn and considered generic or and event can trigger depression. Anxiety is another form of depression. When...
My Understanding as a Woman
My understanding was that we were weak and powerless My understanding was that I was better off man or dead But as nature, we evolve As...
Mother and Caregiver
The only way you can change the cycle is if you understand the cycle. #Ourexperiences
Mother and Caregiver: The Diagnosis
The Diagnosis My daughter has been hospitalized at least 15 + times over the past 4 years. My husband and I have been the ones to bring...
Mother and Caregiver: Background
Background 1963 - 1975 She was born February 27, 1963. The happiest day of our lives was when each of our children was born. When we...
Mother and Caregiver: The Call
Every situation and every illness is made up of variables that can change outcomes and society. We don’t look for a cure for the one...
Depressed Teen Girl
As a person with depression, I have found that it affects my life in many ways. I find myself being very tired and wanting to sleep all...
I Am Asking For Support
Nothing I am Nothing In your arms, I am Something But that's a place I've never been Leave me to bleed But tell me you love me Kick me to...
Analogy About Depression
*Depressed and mentally ill for 4 and a half years, recovered for almost 2 years. Depression, and most mental illnesses are like a...
Life to the Extreme
Imagine feeling everything to the extreme, it is either black or white, no grey. Sadness feels as if there is a ball and chain forcing...